I left Kathmandu on the morning of October 11 after a day of rest and rode out to Sukute Beach. This mission was to work as an assistant staff on the International River Guide Course that is put on each year by Equator Expeditions. The trainees on the course consisted of 8 guys from the UK, 2 Bhutanese, and 2 Nepalis who have been working with Equator for some time. The course instructors were Gerry Moffatt, Willie Kern, and Ant Davis. Working with these guys was not only an honor and a privilege, it was a total blast! The first week of the course took place at Sukute Beach on the Bhote Kosi river, followed by 9 days on the Sun Kosi, a couple days in Chitwan National Park, and then the final evaluation took place on the Trisuli River.
My main job during the first part of the course was filming with a GoPro HD camera that was mounted on my helmet most of the time. Gerry and Willie were filming the course as part of a documentary on Nepal/Bhutan whitewater. The little camera I was using is great for catching short action clips in the water like rafts flipping or hitting waves. After a few days of rafting on the section of river above and below the camp, it was decided that we would go up near the Tibetan border to a

place called Last Resort for some cheap thrills...bungee!!! At one point, the bridge at the Last Resort was the second highest bungee jump in the world. It is 170 meters above the upper Bhote Kosi and absolutely gorgeous. I tend to enjoy jumping off of high things into water and loved skydiving the one time I did it. This is totally different. I think part of the reason for this is that when I jumped out of the airplane I didn't really have to make the decision. It was tandem and I was basically pushed. Diving from a small foot bridge hundreds of feet above a raging river is a different ballgame. Everything about it is completely unnatural but what a thrill it is! I figured one time was a must, especially since it is right up the road from camp. I was able to catch all the excitement by pointing my Olympus camera at my face before and during the jump. It literally felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head with all the blood rushing down while hanging there above the class V water rushing below...
After a couple more days at camp, we packed up for the big trip down the Sun Kosi. In addition to the course staff, we also had rafting and kayaking guests on the trip for a total of 36 people. The food showed up the day before our departure and I was one of the people

in charge of getting it sorted and packed into barrels for the trip. It was a full day project, but we got er done and were finally off on October 18. You can probably imagine what happens to bread and vegetables when they sit in these hot and humid barrels all day on the river. In addition to safety kayaking, my main responsibility on the trip was to unpack all the fruit and vegetables each evening to dry out so they would last until the end of the trip. I also had another very important job...brewing a big pot of coffee each morning. Gerry took care of the bread and we had great food for the duration of the trip.
We paddled a 270 km section of the Sun Kosi from Sukute Beach to Chatara near the Indian border in Southeastern Nepal. The river flows south from Sukute and makes a sharp left toward the East of Nepal. The first couple days were pretty mellow but we were into some great whitewater by the third day. As the whitewater was getting bigger and better, we were getting deeper and deeper into the wilderness of Eastern Nepal. On the fourth night we camped on a beach at this huge bend in the river that had an amazing panoramic view of the river valley...there was also a f

ull moon to top it off. This is the beach where we decided to take a rest day. The rest day was spent doing laundry, bathing, and comparing boats with the locals. A group of us went on an adventure that afternoon and were guided by a local man whom Gerry has apparently known for years. When we arrived, he came out yelling, "Geddy boss! Geddy Boss! Big Boss!" They were both quite happy to see one another and he took us on an excellent hike. We hiked from the beach to his homestead and on up about 3,000 vertical feet above the river. The view from the top was amazing and we were treated to some hospitality by some of our guide's rel

atives. We re-hydrated and had a snack of homegrown lemon with salt and fresh chilies...simple and delicious! It is wild to think that these people spend their entire lives so high in the mou

ntains and are able to sustain themselves with the produce and animals on their steep mountainside farm. Anything else they have is hiked in from far away and isn't much. We hiked down just before sunset on one of the most treacherous trails I can recall traveling on. It was more like a controlled slide for me thanks to my worn out Chaco's...
The last few days of the Sun Kosi were filled with great rapids, one of which we decided to portage since the water level was still high from the late monsoon. The Harkipur portage was no easy task and took all the manpower we had...the lady power was used to prepare lunch while we lugged boats and gear over boulders to a safe put in. Although this portage was a pain in the ass and took most of 2 hours, I was happy to walk around the rapid that has caused a number of fatalities, including one last season w

hen a guide fell out of his raft. The last full day of paddling included a section of river called the Jungle Corridor, a long stretch of continuous big water rapids that were tons of fun. Gerry took off with a group on the last morning shortly after sunrise in order to catch a flight back to Kathmandu and eventually to Bhutan. The rest of us started later and arrived at the take out mid-morning to find out that our bus was not there due to a transportation strike. So, we spent the entire day in Chatara eating dal bhat and hoping that the strike would end and our bus would arrive. It finally arrived that evening and a group of us went down to the river to load the gear on the bus in the dark. This turned out to be a long night! It was only supposed to be 4-5 hours to Chitwan National Park, where we were planning to spend two nights and take a break from the water. The bus left Chatara around 10:00pm and we didn't get to Chitwan until the following morning. It was a loud and bumpy evening on the bus and everyone was relieved to arrive in Chitwan, which had a nice little town just outside the park. After breakfast at the Hotel Jungle Resort, we had a few hours to relax and catch up on rest. It was nice to get to a computer and make contact with family after bein

g out of touch for a few weeks. We went on a guided safari that afternoon that was planned by the hotel. It started with a 4km dugout canoe ride down a river. As I mentioned in a previous post, these canoes are extremely wobbly...instability coupled with the sight of crocodiles on the banks made for some exciting river travel. A couple people from our team decided to cut the canoe ride short and we let them off on the side of the river. The next part of our safari was a walk in the jungle. We were all hoping to see some rhin

os but had to settle for spotted deer and birds, which were still pretty cool to see. We walked out of the jungle and to the elephant breeding center. It was kind of hard to see these giants chained up by the ankles but they all looked healthy and well taken care of. There was an amazing sunset view of the Manaslu range on the way home. I still can't get used to seeing these giant snow covered peaks from so far away in a hot jungle...they call from afar and I can't wait to get back to the high Himalaya!
The following morning, we went for an elephant ride through the jungle. Four of us were piled on the square platform harnessed to the giant. After an hour and a half of bouncing around on the the back of the elephant, we were dropped off on a little dock with stairs leading back down to solid ground. It was time for another bus ride. We loaded up mid morning and started heading toward the Trisuli River where the trainees would have their final evalu

ation from the 20 day guide course. I know this will come as a surprise, but our bus lost a ball joint on the way to the river and couldn't go on. Fortunately, another bus stopped and rescued us. Willie and I scouted the section of river the following morning. Although this was the first river I paddled when I arrived in Nepal in September, it was totally different as the water has dropped about 9 feet since then. The rapids were awesome! The water had been so high the first time I paddled it that many of the river features were washed out. It is so much fun to come over the top of these giant waves and actually get airborne in a kayak! That afternoon was the evaluation for the trainees and they all did great, especially since they had never seen this river and have only been guiding for a couple weeks. At this point, I was basically tagging along in my boat in case anything went wrong and fortunately nothing did. After packing up and some more bus trouble on the morning of the 30th, we finally departed for Kathmandu.
Every time I come back to the city, there are more and more travelers here. Thamel is packed and for the first time I couldn't get into the Holy Lodge. The whole guide course team, except for Gerry and the Bhutanese boys, went out to a big dinner at a place called Rum Doodles to close the course. It is a favorite spot for post-expedition dinners. The walls and ceiling are covered with customized wooden boards shaped like feet and describe various expeditions from decades past. There was one that was behind glass from Sir Edmund Hillary(first ascent of Everest in 1953) near our table. The history in places like this and in some of the old hotels here is so fascinating. People from all over the world have been seeking adventure up here at the top of the world for a long time now...and there is plenty to be found!
Well, the guide course is finished now and I'm back in crazy Kathmandu. Although it is fun coming back here after a trip, I usually try not to spend more than a couple days in the city before taking off again. However, I have developed a pretty angry ingrown toenail that needs some TLC. Pretty sure I didn't make it better by getting in there with a safety pin and my Leatherman...oops. I took a rickshaw

to the CIWEC(travel clinic) yesterday to have it checked out and get some antibiotics. Hopefully, some drugs and warm soaks will do the trick and I can get back out there. My hope is to go up to the Solukhumbu (Everest region) in a couple weeks for some trekking and possibly a climb on one of the surrounding peaks. However, I want to make sure the feet are in good shape before I plan the trip. The next couple weeks will be devoted to healing and most likely some kayaking. Although it would be nice to have a set plan in place, it is easy to have faith with so much evidence from the past that things will work out exactly the way they are supposed to.
I hope this post finds all readers happy and healthy...thanks for reading!
Namaste ya'll!
Check out more photos @
Bungee video: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1651579579386
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